Our landscape mulch beautifies your landscape while insulating soil and root systems, controlling moisture, and reducing weed-growth.

Triple-Shredded Black Mulch
We triple-shred our black-bark mulch to make sure it stays put after installation.
- Our mulch, composted for one year, uses 100% hardwood bark with natural black dyes.
- We never use fillers or ground-up pallets.
- We recommend using for a finished landscape look, place our triple-shredded black mulch around new plant material or in an established landscape.

Benefits of Mulching Your Beds
- Landscape mulch helps to suppress new weeds
- Retains plant moisture
- Cools plants root systems during hot weather
- During winter months, a layer of landscape mulch will help protect plants and root systems from cold temperatures
- Landscape mulch provides an aesthetically pleasing, well-maintained look to your yard and home
- Various colors of your shrubs and flowers will pop against the dark colored landscape mulch
- Our all-organic mulch naturally composts, adding beneficial nutrients to the soil and improving soil structure

Triple-Shredded Brown mulch
We triple-shred our brown mulch so it stays put after installation.
- Our mulch, composted for one year, uses 100% organic hardwood bark.
- We never use fillers or ground-up pallets.
- We recommend using for a finished landscape look, place our triple-shredded brown mulch around new plant material or in an established landscape.

Tips for Mulch Application
- Try to remove as many weeds as possible before landscape mulching
- If you remove all the weeds prior to application, your beds will be weed free all summer long
- We recommend applying a 2-3” layer of landscape mulch to cover planting beds
- Leave a 1”-2” mulch free space around the base of plants and the trunk of trees to help prevent plant rot
- It’s easy to determine how much mulch you need for your project by using our mulch calculator, or just call us and we will help you

material calculator
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